Research Assistant Professor
College of Forest Resources and Environmental Science, Michigan Technological University
and the Northern Institute of Applied Climate Science
Strategies for small organic tomato farms: effects of different mulch treatments on tomato production and soil health - an interdisciplinary field study
In an interdisciplinary, collaborative project with Dr. Heather Reynolds, Dr. James Farmer and three local small organic farms, we evaluated the ecological and economic costs and benefits of various mulch treatments (straw or synthetic ground cover, cover crops, and plant litter) on tomato productivity and soil health. Several excellent undergraduates whom I mentored drove the soil health component of this project forward. Two of these students, Caleb Smith and Hongxi Liu, completed honors theses as part of this project.
We found that while net tomato profits were highest with straw or synthetic ground cover (i.e., the standard farmer practice), cover crops and plant litter treatments showed promise for improving soil C sequestration and overall soil health. Our peer-reviewed manuscript is forthcoming, but a summary of the project and results can be found here.

Undergraduate Honor's thesis student,
Hongxi Lyu, sampling soils at Strangers' Hill Organic Farm